Agricultural Research Station, Pakhribasis is a leading center for the agriculture research and development under Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) in the eastern hill region of Nepal. The station was initially established in 1972 as a training centre with the support of British Government. Later, the station was handed over to the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) in 1998. Since then, the station has been involving in the research and studies on multi-sectors of agriculture livestock for the technology generation and dissemination in the eastern hill region of Nepal. The station has mandate to conduct agriculture research and development in 10 hill districts of Province-1. The mandated research command districts include: Dhankuta, Terhathum, Sankhuwasabha, Bhojpur, Ilam, Panchthar, Taplejung, Khotang, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu.
It is located at Pakhribas Municipality, ward no-3, Dhankuta, between 270 2.98′ north latitude and 870 17.61′ east longitudes with the elevation of 1,315 to 2,025 m asl. The research farm occupies 92.8 ha area with south facing bari as well as khet land. It is situated at about 17 kilometer north-west of Dhankuta district headquarter.
Contributing for the increased production and productivity of cereals and horticultural crops; and livestock commodities by technological supports through research and studies in the eastern hills of Nepal
- Developing technologies on cereals and horticultural crops; and livestock commodities suitable for the high hills, mid-hills and low hills/river basins,
- Prioritizing research areas in the eastern hills,
- Delivering technologies through effective outreach programs to increase the production and productivity of agriculture and livestock commodities,
- Providing training, technical services and counseling to the farmers, agriculture extension organizations and other concerned line agencies, and
- Establishing and maintaining coordination and linkage with line agencies, local bodies and other stakeholders for the technology transfer and dissemination
Generation of appropriate technologies and their effective delivery in various agro-ecological and socio-economical bases of the eastern hill region based on farmers oriented, problem based, participatory, holistic and systematic research; and maintaining effective coordination and linkages with the concerned stakeholders for the economy growth and improved living standard of farm community.
Approach and network for technology transfer
- Network mechanisms for technology transfer and information sharing has been established with national and regional agricultural research stations, disciplinary divisions, Department of Agriculture, Department of Livestock Services, Regional Agriculture and Livestock Services Directorates of eastern region, Krishi Gyan Kendra and Livestock Health Hospital and Bigya Kendra of eastern hill region, Rural Municipality and Municipality of respective districts, NGO/INGO and CBOs.
- Technology generating, validating and up-scaling are carried out through its outreach research sites established in the research command districts representing different agro-ecological domains.
Infrastructures and services
- Well-equipped laboratories of soil science, plant protection, plant tissue culture, seed and veterinary;
- Training and conference hall;
- Meteorological station; and
- Library and Guest houses.
Major Achievements
- Determination of appropriate varieties of maize, rice, wheat, finger millet, lentil and soyabean,
- Production and supply of foundation seed of maize (Manakamana-3, Manakamana-1, Ganesh, Poshilo Makai-1, Deuti), wheat (WK-1204), rice (Khumal-4), Finger millet, etc.
- Variety selection and maintenance of Orthodox tea,
- Tissue culture propagation protocol developed,
- Technology for rhizome rot management of large cardamom developed,
- Selection and maintenance of large cardamom cultivars,
- Production and supply of virus free planting material of large cardamom,
- Technology for off- season vegetable production developed,
- Akabare chilli and their disease and pest management.
- Developed Pakhribas Black Pig,
- Breed Improvement of Khari goat,
- Technology on feeding management of Giriraja poultry,
- Maintained pure line of Pakhribas Black Pig, Giriraja Poultry,
- Improvement of Khari goat through crossing with Boer goat.
Available facilities
- Residents for staff
- Soil, Entomology, Plant Pathology and Seed Laboratories
- School
- Guest houses
- Training hall and Dormitories
- Conference and Community halls
- Sports and physical fitness amenities
- Library
- Canteen
- Meteorological station
Command areas
The practical benefits of ARSP research, production and service activities are available to farm households of and peoples living in its command areas of Koshi zone (Dhankuta, Terhathum, Sankhuwasabha and Bhojpur districts), Mechi zone (Ilam, Panchthar and Taplejung districts) and Sagarmatha zone (Khotang, Okhaldhunga and Solukhumbu districts).
Major programs and activities
The various programs of the station is divided into units and they are as follows.
- Agronomy and Plant Breeding: Variety improvement, crop management, plant protection, soil fertility management researches and seed production of maize, wheat, rice, millets , legumes, and oilseeds
- Animal Science: Breed improvement, feed and health management research on Pig, Poultry and Goat
- Horticulture: Variety improvement, tissue culture of large cardamom, plant protection, soil fertility research and seed/saplings production on Fruits, Vegetables and Plantation crops
- Outreach Research: Validation and scaling up of technologies on Crops, horticulture and Livestock at farmers fields
- Plant diseases and insect pests diagnosis services
- Soil and plant analyses
On-going research activities
Agronomy and Plant Breeding
- Variety improvement, crop management, plant protection, and soil fertility management of maize, wheat, rice, finger millets, legumes, and oilseeds,
Animal Science
- Breed improvement, feed and health management research on pig, poultry and goat,
- Variety improvement, tissue culture of large cardamom, plant protection, soil fertility research and seed/saplings production of fruits, vegetables and plantation crops,
Outreach Research
- Validation and scaling-up of technologies on crops, horticulture and livestock at farmers fields,
- Source seed production and maintensance:
- Breeder and foundation seed production of maize, wheat, rice, lentil, soybean and finger millet,
- Foundation seed production of cauliflower, rayo, radish, pole bean and cress,
Plant Protection
- Rhizome rot, rust and stem borer management of large cardamom,
- Late blight management of Akabare chilli, tomato and potato,
- Club-root management of cole crops,
Soil Science
- Long term soil fertility management of cereal cropping system,
- Integrated soil fertility management of vegetables,
Production and maintenance of source seeds and livestock breeds
- Cereal crops: maize, rice, wheat, lentil, soybean and finger millet,
- Vegetable crops: cauliflower, brocolli, broadleaf mustard, radish, cress, and beans,
- Plantation crops and fodder trees: large cardamom and tea,
- Livestock breeds: Pakhribas black pigs, Girirja chicken and Boer goat,
Prioritized Research for up-coming years
- Crop breeding program for varietal development of major cereal crops,
- Cold-tolerant rice varieties,
- Upland rice varieties,
- Promotion of minor crops: Naked barley, finger-millets, buckwheat,
- Varietal selection and rhizome rot management of large cardamom,
- Varietal improvement of Akabare chilli,
- Selection and development of Dhankuta green long cucumber,
- Varietal development of Avocado,
- Selection and pure line maintenance for the improvement of Pakhribas Black Pig,
- Improvement of local Khari goat through crossing with Boer breed,
- Management of infertility and mastitis diseases of dairy cattle and buffalo,
- Study on economically important diseases of cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep,
- Conservation and evaluation of indigenous breeds of poultry viz. Ghanti Khuile, Pwankh Khuile, and Sakini,
- Mr. Prenil KC, Senior Scientist (S-4)/Chief
- Dr. Suman Karki, Technical Officer
- Mr. Phatta Bahadur Baruwal, Technical Officer
Contact Address
Government of Nepal
Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)
Agricultural Research Station, Pakhribas, Dhankuta
P.O. Box 29, Dharan, Sunsari
Phone: +977-26405111, Fax: +977-26405111,