Horticulture Research Station, Malepatan, Kaski


Horticulture Research Station, Malepatan, Pokhara was established in 2018 BS (1961 AD) in the name of “Citrus Research Sub-Station” with the help of Indian Cooperation Agency under the Government of Nepal. From the establishing time, this research station has engaged in horticulture related technology generation, development and extension activities. This station lies at the elevation of 848 masl and situated in Kaski district, Pokhara sub-metropolitan city ward no. 5, Malepatan. The global positioning system of this station is 28013’6.8″ N and 83058’27.72″ E. The station occupies 200 ropani (10 ha) land. This station has been conducting research on vegetables, flowers, fruits and plantation crops. Besides research, this station also produced breeder and foundation seed production of vegetables, seedling and sapling of vegetable, fruit and ornamental plants.

Command Area

Hilly districts of western development regions viz., Kaski, Syangja, Tanahu, Gulmi and Arghakhachi under hilly environment.


Need based horticulture research and development in identified problems in priority basis.


Livelihood improvement, food and nutritional security of hill farmers by increasing the production and productivity of horticultural crops through research and production.


  • To conduct research on the sub-tropical fruits and vegetables based on the prioritized problem
  • To collect, characterize, evaluate, and conserve vegetables, fruits, flowers and different cultivars of coffee.
  • To produce hybrid, nucleus and foundation vegetable seeds, maintain improved varieties and indigenous landraces of vegetables and produce seasonal vegetable seedlings and fruit saplings.
  • To conduct breeding program in vegetable crops.
  • To develop strong co – ordination and linkage with line agencies.

Land use pattern

Vegetable/potato research and prod:               3.00 ha
Litchi cum coffee research block:                      1.68 ha
Macadamia nut block:                                         1.33 ha
Mixed fruit block:                                                2.14 ha
Building, road, lawn, kitchen garden:             1.65 ha
Dumri Bote                                                           0.20 ha
Total:                                                                   10.00 ha

Weather condition

The station has the sub-tropical type of climate. It receives average maximum temperature up to 350C, minimum temperature 70C and total annual rainfall up to 3500-4000 mm.

Infrastructure and facilities

Station occupies 10 ha of land. Soil texture is sandy loam and the station has year round irrigation facility from Seti river/irrigation cannel. The station has established drip irrigation system with fertigation facilities. There are three office buildings, three storage facilities, eight staff quarters (for 16 families), guest house (two rooms), threshing floor- 1, and area for research, seed and sapling production. It possesses a telcoline Pick-up van, two Motor bikes, one tractor and power tiller

Major Research Achievements

  • Vegetable type bush cowpea cultivar ‘Malepatan-1’ released for mid-hill, river basin area and inner terai domain of Nepal.
  • Production of F1 seed of tomato cv. ‘Srijana’ at farmers’ level initiated and found much remunerative as compared to other horticulture enterprises.
  • ‘Manakamana’ a cultivar of Broad leaf mustard (higher yielder and better leaf quality) is found suitable as direct sown condition in rainy season with maize intercropping system as well as performed better as sole crop in winter as transplanting method.
  • Varietal improvement work in Brinjal cultivar ‘Pokhara Lurki’ (very good cooking quality and taste), pea genotypes ‘Arka Karthik’ (resistant to powdery mildew), French bean ‘Arka Subidha’ (Bushy and better pod yield and quality) is continued.
  • An alternative option (grafting technology) for the management of Root Knot Nematode in tomato under plastic house has been developed and recommended.
  • Poultry manure and mustard oil cake are the suitable organic manures for good plant health and higher fresh cherry yield of coffee.
  • Package of cultivation practices of Macadamia nut (a potential crop suitable for hailstone prone area like western hill condition) developed and recommended.
  • NPV and Bt in sequence or Bt alone spray for the management of Diamond Backmoth is effective and recommended.
  • Use of common salt with lime or ash is recommended for the management of Snail.
  • Selection of late blight resistant potato germplasm- PRP 266264.1, PRP 85861.11 and LBR 40.
  • Selection of suitable germplasm for potato chips- PRP 25861.1.
  • Development and certification of macadamia nut and avocado production technology.
  • Development of vegetative propagation technology of macadamia nut- Inarching.
  • Local level processing technology of coffee developed.
  • Field Gene Bank of coffee germplasm (23), taro (16), garlic (28), ole (2), garden pea (19), brinjal (4), lab lab bean (30) and Sponge gourd- Basmati has maintained.


  • Mr. Bijaya Upadhyaya,Scientist (S-2)
  • Mr. Santosh Lohani, Scientist (S-2)
  • Ms. Asmita Khanal, Scientist (S-2)
  • Mr. Saroj Adhikari, Technical Officer (T-7)
  • Mr. Lok Nath Aryal, Technical Officer (T-6)
  • Mr. Sandip Timilsina, Technical Officer (T-6)

Contact Address

Nepal Agricultural Research Council
Horticulture Research Station
Malepatan, Kaski, Nepal
Phone: 977-61-570220, 977-9856038550 (Cell)
E-mail: arsmalepatan@gmail.com
Website: www.narc.gov.np