National Commercial Agriculture Research Program


National Commercial Agriculture Research Program (NCARP), Pakhribas, Dhankuta is one of the 17 commodities research programs under Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC). The NARC created NCARP in 2008. It became operational and functional station since 2010/11 after NARC allocated separate budget for it. The station is located in Dhankuta district, Pakhribas Municipality, ward number 3. The NCARP lies in Koshi Zone of eastern development region. It is 17 kilometers north-west of district headquarter Dhankuta. The station is connected by Hile-Bhojpur road and is 4 kilometer west of Hile Bazar. The geographical location of the station is 27o 02′ 96’’ N latitude, 87o 17′ 61’’ E longitude at an altitude of 1315 to 2025 meter above mean sea level. The land of the station is upland with small terraces with limited irrigation facilities. Soil is sandy with acidic in reaction. It has subtropical to temperate climate. The minimum temperature ranges between 5.90C (January) to 17.90C (July) and average maximum temperature ranges between 16.10C (December) to 26.30C (April). The annual rainfall is around 1500-1600 mm with maximum rainfall in July and August (over 400mm). The NCARP is envisaged to meet the demand for research in commercial agriculture research in the long run.


  • To become sustainable commercial research institute and supplement quality commercial agricultural commodities and services in domestic and international arena.
  • To develop as multi commodity research institute within NARC for research on commercial agriculture to meet the client needs.


  • To generate technologies on commercial crops and commodities and meet the demands of stakeholders in the long run.
  • To increase productivity of selected commercial commodities.
  • To provide need-based quality technical services in cost basis.
  • To conduct research on actual cost basis.

Research Strategies

  • Explore opportunities with emphasis on Public Private Partnerships (PPPs).
  • Design a communication approaches to disseminate NCARP’s objective and working modalities.
  • Explore research opportunities with national and international organizations.
  • Identify the alternate use of available resources or higher farm income.
  • Establish and support alliances with stakeholders and interested groups.

Areas for Research

  • Tea
  • Large cardamom
  • Off season vegetables
  • Vegetables and fruits seeds, sapling production
  • Meat and milk products
  • Non-timber forest products.

Current thrust areas for Research

  • Tea
  • Large cardamom
  • Off season vegetables
  • Organic farming technologies


  • Mr. Mains Kumar Thakur, Scientist/Coordinator
  • Mr. Mahendra Prasad Yadav, Technical Officer (T6)


Nepal Agricultural Research Council
National Commercial Agriculture Research Program (NCARP)
Pakhribas, Dhankuta, Nepal
Fax: +977-026-405098