National Animal Health Research Centre

…some essential components for the research like laboratory animal facilities, post-mortem room and incinerator house etc are yet to be built. Attempts have been made to design and implement the…

National Avian Research Program

…these animals are backyard commodities of the backward communities across the country and partially commercialized at valleys and few basins of Terai. NARP works in coordination with other related offices…

National Commercial Crop Research Centre

…information on commercial crop production technologies. Conducting and coordinating research on all aspects of commercial crop improvement, production and protection technology. Establish linkage with National/Regional/International Commercial Crop Research Agencies for…

National Agricultural Environment Research Centre

…irrigation, protected agriculture etc.) Contact Address National Agricultural Environment Research Centre Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal. PO Box 3605, Kathmandu Tel: +977-1-5535981 Fax: +977-1-5527695 Email: Website:…

Pasture and Fodder Research Station, Dhunche, Rasuwa

…and pasture research activities. Lack of co-ordination for collaborative research. Lack of physical facilities. Remoteness and physiotopographical barrier of the district. Lack of transportation means. Command area The command areas…

National Horticulture Research Centre

…separation of horticulture component. In 1987, NARSC was given a separate entity with overall responsibilities for agricultural research. Then NARSC was recognized as Nepal Agricultural Research Council with autonomy and…

EPB Interaction Workshop Organized

…about the compilation of all suggestions, sharing all presentations, drafting policy paper on Eps, sharing EPB related publications and agrobiodiversity toolkits. Some publications are available from these links:…

National Commercial Agriculture Research Program

…quality commercial agricultural commodities and services in domestic and international arena. To develop as multi commodity research institute within NARC for research on commercial agriculture to meet the client needs….

Directorate Agricultural Research (DoAR), Doti

…of the command area Research on various drought tolerant varieties/genotypes of rice for rain fed condition of mid-hill districts of command area. Study on stress tolerant varieties of maize and…

National Swine Research Program

…mid-hill and western Terai. Mostly, these animals are backyard commodities of the backward communities across the country and partially commercialized at valleys and few basins of Terai. NSRP works in…