National Outreach Research Centre on behalf of Nepal Agricultural Research Council organized an “Entrepreneur Farmer- Agricultural Scientist Interaction Workshop” on 27 December, 2022 (12th Poush, 2079) at Khumaltar, Lalitpur. This workshop is the second edition of its type which commenced historically last year to address the farmer’s problem directly by the concerned scientists. The one-day workshop was chaired by Dr. Dhruba Raj Bhattarai, Chief, National Outreach Research Centre amidst the gracious presence of Dr. Deepak Bhandari, Executive Director, Nepal Agricultural Research Council. Altogether 58 entrepreneur farmers from all over the Bagmati province representing 10 different agricultural sectors interacted directly with 24 Scientists of NARC representing different disciplines.
Mrs. Sharmila Piya, Senior Technical Officer, National Outreach Research Centre welcomed all the participants and highlighted the objectives and importance of the workshop. The chief guest, Dr. Deepak Bhandari, ED NARC addressing the workshop acknowledged the initiative to link the farmers directly to the scientists and share the first-hand knowledge. He assured the farmers that, most of their problems will be addressed by the scientists right away. Those problems which need further study and research to be addressed will be noted as researchable issues and research proposals will be built on them. Moreover, he highlighted the break down of extension network with the institutionalization of federal system in the country. To address this gap, he announced a technology transfer training for technicians of local bodies to be conducted by NARC from next fiscal year. “I’ll raise the policy issues reported by farmers in high level policy meets” he added. Dr. Dhrubaraj Bhattarai, closing the inaugural session, requested all the farmers to keep in touch with the scientists which will benefit them in long term. “This one day workshop is not enough to address all the problems faced by farmers, but can act as a bridge between the farmers and the scientists”, he said.
The technical session was facilitated by Dr. Dhruba Raj Bhattarai, amidst the presence of the senior horticulturist and entrepreneur Dr. Kedar Budhathoki in expert panel. The session commenced with the collection of expectations from the representative farmers on how they want NARC to address their problems. Later on, Q&A session was conducted on the technical/specific problems faced by them. Farmers representing various sectors viz. field crop, seed production, vegetable production, fruits production, livestock farming, mushroom cultivation, bee farming etc. put forth their queries on low cost production technologies, crop protection and IPM tools, farm mechanization, marketing etc. Respective scientist answered their questions as well provided them with the link needed for further clarification. Additionally, possible research issues were also collected from the farmers. Moreover farmers were encouraged to apply and take part in residential farmer training. They were suggested to go through NARC website, Agro-met advisory bulletin, NARC mobile app, Youtube channel, digital soil map, radio/tv programs, call center etc. for technical knowledge and further information about NARC activities. Finally, Dr. Dhruba Bhattarai, on behalf of the organizer thanked all the guests, entrepreneur farmers, scientists, media persons, all the helping hands for their active participation and continuous support to make this event a success. Mr. Binesh Man Sakha, Director, NARI officially wrapped up the workshop with a promise to see again in a similar event in the future. The inaugural session was facilitated by Mr. Kumar Mani Dahal while Mrs. Sharmila Piya and Mr. Bishwash Poudel served as the rapporteur of the workshop.