First Quarter Progress Review Meeting 2078/79

First quarter progress review meeting of NARI and NASRI of fiscal year 2078/79 was held at NARI Hall, Khumaltar, Lalitpur on Kartik 14, 2078 (31 October 2021). Executive Director of NARC Dr. Bhandari inaugurated the meeting by lighting the candle in holy lamp panas. The first session of program was chaired by Dr. Hari Krishna Shrestha, Director, NARI. The welcome speech and objective of the program was highlighted by Dr. Doj Raj Khanal, Acting Director NASRI.

In first session, the seven cross cutting research centre (NAERC, NATIC, NAPRC, NORC, NBRC, NFRC and Genebank) presented progress report of first trimester 2078/79 B.S. The first session was wrapped with the speech of ED, Planning Director  and Director, NARI.

The second session was chaired by Mr Ram Bahadur KC, Crop and Horticulture Director for NARI offices and Dr. Swyam Prakash Shrestha for NASRI offices. In this session the respective eleven offices under NARI and five offices under NASRI presented the progress of the first quarter.