Pasture and Fodder Research Station, Dhunche, Rasuwa

and pasture research activities. Lack of co-ordination for collaborative research. Lack of physical facilities. Remoteness and physiotopographical barrier of the district. Lack of transportation means. Command area The command areas…

National Soil Science Research Centre

…Joshi, Technical Officer Contact Address Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) National Soil Science Research Centre Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal PO Box 5459, Kathmandu Tel: +977-1-5521149 Fax: +977-1-5521197 Email: Website:…

National Cattle Research Program

Introduction National Cattle Research Program (NCRP) is one among the various commodity programs under the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC), administered directly by the director for Livestock and Fisheries research.

National Animal Health Research Centre

…Officer (T-6) Contact Address National Animal Health Research Centre National Animal Science Research Institute (NASRI) Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal Tel.: +977 1 5551855,5551292 E-mail: Website:…

National Food Research Centre

…micronutrients and need to improve processing technology. It should be urgent research objective in front of food technologists and nutritionist. Food science and technology research programme has been active since…

EPB Interaction Workshop Organized

…registered in Schedule-D but separate guideline is required to register EPs as technology, however EPB need to be mainstreamed in research, extension and education after further validation by analytical findings….